26/04/12 Filed in: Spring

Half Eaten Tulips: ISO 200, 47mm, f/2.8, 1/500
This past winter the deers took a liking to our backyard. At first I thought this was pretty neat then I seen all the deer droppings.
I also noticed that the birds were no longer visiting our feeder. Even the magpies and crows were staying away.
I managed to get a shot of a deer at our bird feeder helping himself to the nice mixture of seeds and nuts early one morning. The quality is not the greatest. I was fresh out of bed and quickly set the camera settings to ISO 800 and shot with the lens wide open. I also had to shoot through our dirty back door window so that I would not startle the deer before he ran away.
This is why the birds have not been visiting. I will have to give the feeder a real good cleaning hoping to wash the deer smell off it!
As the snow started to melt and the spring flowers came up I noticed that they were also a tempting food source for our four legged friends as you can see by the picture above. I will not have many tulip pictures this spring as the deer have eaten most of them.

Deer at Bird Feeder: ISO 800, 35mm, f/2.8, 1/13
Tip: When taking photos of wildlife I have learned that it is best to take your shots early and then move in a step and take another shot. Keep doing this in a slow steady action until the subject “flees”.