16/08/12 Filed in: Summer

Hide and Seek Squirrel: ISO 250, 85mm, f/5.6, 1/180

Hide and Seek Squirrel II: ISO 250, 85mm, f/5.6, 1/180
I was cooking Sunday supper at the BBQ when I noticed something running back and forth along our garage wall. I turned around and this squirrel wanted to play Hide n’Seek or Peek-a-boo.
At the time I only had my iPhone in my pocket. I called into the house for Angela to grab the “Heavy Duty” camera. I thought I was too late as the squirrel had vanished.
A few minutes later he had come back to play his games with me.

Squirrel on old Wheel: ISO 250, 80mm, f/5.6, 1/60
The shot above you can see that the tail is out of focus. He was busy twitching it. Warning me that he was getting agitated with how close I was getting.
The squirrels in the neighbourhood are busy foraging for food. They have been chewing off branches of the neighbour’s Mountain Ash tree to get the berries. Today, I watched another one busy carrying pines cones along the neighbour’s fence.