
RCAF Globemaster: ISO200, 200mm, f/4.0. 1/3200
I was doing some backyard birding in our new home the past few weeks. This big bird flew by…

Lancaster Bomber (Bomber Command Museum, Nanton, AB): ISO 200, 9mm, f/2.8, 1/1600
Last summer I was able to visit the Bomber Command Museum in Nanton, Alberta. It has always been on my list of things to see in southern Alberta but I never had the time.
Let me tell you, I was glad I made the time! The actual museum has quite of bit of artifacts and stories but together. Square foot wise it is pretty small but the amount of artifacts and content is quite vast. You could spend a whole day in the museum reading and looking. What I found most interesting was the part Alberta played in training air crews during World War II.
The day I was visited they had some volunteers working on restoring an old Mosquito.

Air Canada: ISO 200, 210mm, f/4.5, 1/2000
As mentioned in my previous post there is a man made marsh close to our home in Airdrie, Alberta. I was taking pictures of grebes and blackbirds that were looking after their young. I heard a plane that was headed in my direction and turned around to see a great opportunity.
We see a lot of airplanes as our skies in Airdrie are in Calgary Airport's flight path. I caught this Air Canada jet coming in for a landing as it was banking steeply and coming in low. Usually we only get to see the bottoms of the planes as they pass overhead. I got to get a quick snap of it's tail fin which shows the Red Maple Leaf of Air Canada.