C B Images

Photography by Chris Bates

Winter Time Song Sparrow: ISO 2000, f/9.0, 600mm, 1/800

I walked down a country lane in our neighbourhood hoping to spot a Blue Jay I had heard while shovelling our driveway this morning. 

I was surprised to see 10 different species today including this Song Sparrow. The other species I had seen were Red-Winged Blackbirds, Dark Eyed Junco, American Robin, Northern Cardinals, House Finch, Mourning Doves, American Goldfinch and Chickadee.

A Bee and a Coneflower: ISO 1600, 400mm, f/8.0, 1/2500

I needed some colour today.  

The snow has been falling here for the last week and cold temperatures accompany it.

This photo of a bee and a coneflower was taken in early October, during a warmer-than-usual fall.

Duck in Water: ISO 3200, 400mm, f/6.3, 1/1000

This photo was taken at Vanderwater Conservation Area.

I believe it is a Blue Winged Teal. There were a few of them in a little pond in the Conservation Area.

Maple Leaf in Water: ISO 400, 140mm, f/2.8, 1/300

I took this shot the same day as I took the Mute Swan (Cygnet) at Lock #1 of the Trent Severn Waterway in Quinte West, Ontario.

Fall colours arrived late this year but they still never disappoint.

Mute Swan (Cygnet): ISO 3200, 400mm, f/6.3/1/8000

A young Mute Swan at Lock 1.

Harmonia and a Cherry Leaf: ISO 1600, 60mm, f/7.1, 1/200

The weather is still warm here and the leaves on the trees are just starting to change to their fall colours.

I was watering the flowers last night and I seen a large amount of Ladybugs walking up and down our little cherry tree in the backyard. 

They were moving pretty quickly and it was very hard to get a close up. This one was sitting still on this low hanging leaf that had changed colour.

Yellow Rumped Warbler: ISO 3200, 314mm, f/6.3, 1/1600

From my photowalk this morning at Lock #1 Of the Trent Severn Waterway.

I was trying to get a better shot of the shy Great Blue Heron that hangs out by the dam. Instead, I seen a variety of little birds (Sparrows, Warblers, Chickadees) but still no nice shot of the Great Blue.

Cone Flower: ISO 1600, 100mm, f/5.0, 1/400

Fall is coming and the wild flowers are out!

This was taken at Lock 1 of the Tent Severn Waterway. Just a short drive from our home.

Fledgling Robin on a Butterfly Bush: ISO 1000, 150mm, f/5.7, 1/1600

The Robins must have had a second brood this year. This was taken late July.

This one allowed me to get close for a few shots. I then let the parents come with some food.

The Mantis and the Fly: ISO 800, 244mm, f/6.1, 1/1600

I was watering our gardens when I seen this Mantis emerge from our Boxwood Planter.

I ran inside to grab the camera and hoping that she would still be there when I returned.

I did not notice the brave fly until I processed the image on a larger screen.