Not my Best Work
20/02/10 Filed in: Winter

White Breasted Nuthatch: ISO 200, 238mm, f5.6, 1/400
I came home from work on Thursday evening and noticed the birds playing when I retrieved our mail. I quickly ran to the house to grab my camera with the telephoto zoom lens attached and tried to take pictures of the fast moving chickadees. Then I noticed this White Breasted Nuthatch looking for food in the neighbour’s tree.
Like the squirrel picture posted earlier this month the nuthatch wasn’t co-operating either. He just wouldn’t come into the warm evening sun. So, I was shooting into the shadows. This was the best of a few shots I took and with some editing I was able to bring out some detail but not as much as I would have liked. I like his pose in this image I just wished he felt more secure with me around and had come out into the sun.