Is it Spring Yet?

I finished putting away the lawn furniture. Next chore is putting up the Christmas lights. The good thing about the lights is that it will bring back colour to the yard.
I posted this spring picture of the ornamental plum bloom to remind me that fall has to come in order to get back to spring.
It's Fall

Snow is gone and we are back to normal seasonal temperatures. Leaves are starting to fall off the trees and there is a lack of colour.
Took this picture late September. This flower comes up every year just as summer is ending.
11/10/09 Filed in: Fall

It is still snowing. Leaves never had a chance to change colour on most of the trees in our neighbourhood including our crabapple tree.
Cold Roses
08/10/09 Filed in: Fall

Second day of snowfall and it looks like today the snow will stay longer than a couple of hours.
Kinda Blue

Our batch of warm weather is gone. We have been consistently getting frost the last few evenings and chances of snow are now in the forecasts. Fall is finally here.
This Blue Delphinium re-bloomed again in late September. This was shot the same day as “Fall Showers bring October Flowers.”