Goldfinch Spotted

When I travelled back home to Lakefield in June my Dad taught me some tricks to lure Goldfinch to the backyard. This is one that frequents our feeder and birdbath during the day. I hid the feeder in our crabapple tree and the birdbath is almost directly below it.
It took a few weeks before I actually seen Goldfinch come to our backyard after placing the feeder.
Look at Me

I wasn’t giving up with the Wren. I have spent the last couple of days trying to get more Wren shots as who knows how long the Baby Wren will call our backyard brush a safe harbour from the neighbourhood cats. I was trying to get photos of the baby last night and I was getting to close and she did fly a few feet into our crabapple tree.
This shot is of Mom trying to get my attention and at the same time looking for more bugs to feed Baby.
Feeding Time

The last few days we have had an agitated wren flying around the yard. I found out why this afternoon. She was creating a diversion so that we would not spot her baby.
This shot isn’t the greatest but I had to be quick to get the moment. I wish I had the tripod handy as the light was the best I was ever going to get.
Lady Slippers

I forgot to post this picture a couple of weeks ago when they bloomed. The lady slippers are a surprise that come up under our cedar tree every spring.
Soft Harbour

Our Peonies are in bloom!
This is a wasp peeking out of one of our pink peonies. I got lucky. I wanted some dreamy shots of the peony waves and next thing I know this guy pops out. When I get close ups of the peonies I usually can’t get a shot without an insect of some sort or another. I guess the petals are as soft as they look and provide a safe, comfortable harbour for our backyard travelers.
More Deep Purple

Thought I would show another image of our Purple Iris’. I took this one in the early morning as the flowers were getting the morning sun.
Happy Canada Day
01/07/09 Filed in: Fall

I did not take this shot in my backyard. It was taken in Vancouver two years ago while visiting Angela’s Mother. It’s red and it is similar to a maple leaf. Can’t find many maples in Alberta to get a true picture of the Canadian Emblem. So this will have to do!