You Know You are Canadian When...
28/03/10 Filed in: Spring

Two Geese: ISO 200, 263mm, f/5.6, 1/750

Morning on the Ice Flow: ISO 200, 263mm, F/5.6, 1/250
This is the last of the shots from last weekend. These Canadian Geese are in the Red Deer River.
Not sure how they do it as there is no warm down on their feet. I know if you or I were to attempt this we would be in the hospital getting treated for hypothermia and frostbite. This is their safe haven from predators. If anyone would get to close they would just launch themselves into the river and wait it out. BBbbbrrrrr!
On my drive home from work this evening I noticed the ice is almost gone. There are sections where it still might be 10 feet out from the shore. But on the most part the ice only remains where the sun doesn't shine on the river banks. I also noticed that the number of geese have diminished. They must have continued their journey north.
Testing the Ice

Testing the Ice: ISO 400, 263mm, f/5.6, 1/1500
This is another series of photos from my photo walk at Bower Ponds in Red Deer on Saturday morning. This Park is just across the river from downtown Red Deer. It is part of the park system that goes along the river valley throughout the city.
We have deer running the neighbourhood streets where I live but I never can get the camera out quick enough to prove it!
I am assumming this set of deer is a mother and two of her babies from last year. The pictures show that one is much larger than the other two. They came out of the woods to see what was going on in the river. They are on ice in the second picture.

Testing the Ice II: ISO 400, 168mm, f/4.5, 1/2000
I was using my 70-300mm zoom lens without a tripod to get these shots. This lens does not have image stabilization. It was early morning with cloud cover so I had to use a large aperture to let as much light in as possible. If I were to come across this again I would be carrying my tripod or at the very least my monopod to allow me to use a smaller aperture and get a sharper image.

Close Encounter: ISO 400, 190mm, f/4.5 1/180
Mom, while on the river, heard this man walking on the trail. She is leading the other two who are not far behind across the trail into the much denser brush. I tried to follow them but they were much too fast or real good at playing hide and seek.
Returning Home

Flight: ISO 200, 81mm, f/4.5, 1/1000
The Canada Geese have returned to Canada from their vacation trip down to the USA. Like all Canadians, the geese like the warmer weather the USA has to offer in the winter.

The Chase: ISO 200, 149mm, f/4.5. 1/500
As my previous post has mentioned there still is ice on most of the ponds and lakes in the area I live. The Red Deer River is just starting to break up were the current is the strongest. During my early morning photo walk I found these geese waiting for the morning sun to warm them on the Bower Ponds' frozen surface. Canada Geese are monogomous. They don't like to share and the pair in this picture must not like the third wheel because whenever she became too close they would give chase.
Tooth Sharpener
20/03/10 Filed in: Nature

Beaver Stump: ISO 100, 35mm, f/8, 1/40
Went for a photo walk this morning at Red Deer's Bower Ponds. As I was driving home from work last night I seen that Canada Geese had arrived. A sure sign that spring is coming! I thought I could get some good pictures of the geese on the remaining ice on the ponds and river. The only water that isn't frozen is a narrow path going down the centre of the Red Deer River where the current is strong.
I came across this along the river bank looking for photo opportunities of geese. I didn't see any beaver but the shavings look fairly recent. A beaver's teeth never stop growing so that they don't wear down as they constantly gnaw on wood for food and protection.
I will post more images of my photo walk at Bower Ponds in the days ahead. Keep checking back!
Early Spring?

March 7 Tulips: ISO 200, 35mm, f/9, 1/25

March 7 Backyard: ISO 200, 35mm, f/8, 1/640
As promised I bring you our tulips breaking earth during an Alberta, Canada winter. These photos were taken this morning with a temperature of minus 7 degrees Celcius. That’s right it was well below freezing. Not a chance of Frost; a 100% guarantee of frost!
As you can see by the backyard picture there is still snow on 90% of our yard. In places it is over 6 inches deep! Mid day temperatures have been reaching the plus 5 to 9 range.
The tulips are in a garden along the back wall of our house. The back of the house faces south and catches the sun all afternoon. So the tulip bulbs are feeling the warmth and thinking it is time to come out and show their colours!
PS: They are calling for more snow early this week!
More Kerry Wood Nature Centre
06/03/10 Filed in: Winter

ISO 200, 90mm, f/4.5, 1/180
This is another photo from my late January photo walk at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre in Red Deer, Alberta.
Red Berry
02/03/10 Filed in: Winter

Red Berry: ISO 200, 90mm, F/3.5, 1/125
Warm weather is coming which is not good. We have some tulips that are starting to break earth. I will take pictures of those next chance I get. There is still lots of snow on the ground and I am sure Mother Nature has more on the way.