Falling Stars
28/01/10 Filed in: Winter

ISO 100, Focal Length 90mm, F4.5, Shutter Speed 1/45
The snow has stopped falling but the temperatures have not. Winter is officially back...just in time for the Olympics.
This is a macro shot of a cluster of dead rose blooms shot a couple of weeks ago when the hoar frost was heavy.
Let it Snow. Some More.
25/01/10 Filed in: Winter

Snow Fall: ISO 200, Focal Length 35mm, f/4, Shutter Speed 1/750
The snow is falling once again. Just a few flakes at a time. No need to worry about snow banks up to the knees or anything. I tried to capture the snow falling with this image and that is why the background is out of focus (Yes, I did this on purpose.). It is hard to focus on tiny little moving snowflakes!
Out of the Fog
21/01/10 Filed in: Winter

A fog rolled in last night and continued into this morning. I took this picture late this morning. The camera actually captured the fog when taking a macro shot of a rose branch creating a dreamy effect.
Fog in winter here means things get a good coating of frost. Just like the previous pictures posted around Christmas and New Year.
Hanging Out
19/01/10 Filed in: Winter

With the warm weather the birds become more active. This shot came because as I was doing a walk around the house last week and I swear I seen an owl high in the neighbour’s tree. I did not have my camera with me so I had to run to the house and get the camera and attach my 70-300mm zoom lens.
By the time I got back to the tree the owl was gone and replaced by a noisy squirrel. So, as the saying goes your best camera is the one you always have with you. I didn’t even have my cell phone with me at that time. Massive fail!
I did manage to get a few nuthatch and chickadee pictures when it was all said and done. I also got a couple of noisy squirrel pictures as well.
No More Playing in the Water
18/01/10 Filed in: Winter

Our rain barrel has provided some interesting images the past week. Here is the latest image that I took yesterday afternoon. Temperatures are returning to normal. It is still a little on the warm side but no one is complaining.
Feeling Olympic
15/01/10 Filed in: Winter

The Winter Olympics are being held in Vancouver this February. The torch is crossing the country and has finally come to Alberta. It arrived in Sylvan Lake, Alberta at around 5:30 PM this evening. I believe it heads to Calgary tomorrow which if you recall hosted the Winter Olympics in 1988.
I know this isn’t in my backyard but still wanted to share this with you as this isn’t something you would see on a regular basis. I threw in a bonus tonight as well. Fireworks capped off the Torch Relay festivities and I included a picture since everyone loves a good fireworks show!

Playing in the Water

Okay, now I am worried Mother Nature is teasing us with warm weather making us think winter is over and spring is finally here. She is such the cruel jokester!
I wanted to play with water today. I heard the birds all around but they were high in the trees enjoying the warm sun where my zoom couldn’t reach them. So, I thought I would try water droplet shots and long smooth flowing water shots. I actually moved out of Av mode and into Tv mode. Talk about getting out of my comfort zone. I still think I need more practice and next time use my tripod.
Slowly but Surely

The melting continues. The last couple of days the temperature is staying above freezing throughout the night.
The After Shot
11/01/10 Filed in: Winter

What a difference a few days make! Warm temperatures moved in (10C) and snow is moving out.
Take a Load Off
09/01/10 Filed in: Winter

Here is a pretty good image on the amount of snow we have received so far this winter. Should start melting slowly now. A chinook has arrived and is expected to stay above O degree C for most of the week.
Still Snowing...
06/01/10 Filed in: Winter

We have a pile of snow this year and it doesn’t look like it will be melting any time soon... I am actually running out of room to put it when I shovel the sidewalk and driveway.
This is a macro of a pile of snow on our driveway lamppost. You can see the neighbour’s fence in the background.
Happy New Year!
01/01/10 Filed in: Winter

Wishing all of you peace and fortune for the new year and new decade.
My wife Angela took this shot earlier this week. All that white on the background trees is the heavy hoar frost.