Baby Magpie

Got home from work one afternoon and was lucky to spot a baby magpie learning to fly. He was sitting on the fence of our compost heap. I was able to get within arms reach to take some good shots.
Those not familiar to these birds they may look pretty but they do make for some annoying alarm clocks in the early morning as well as scare and destroy pretty songbirds that share their territory.
Deep Purple

Our iris’ are in bloom now. We have a nice bunch of purple iris’ by our back door. I took this shot during a short afternoon rain sprinkle. It is still dry here so that is why I said sprinkle.
When the light hits the iris’ just right you kind of get an iridescent display of colour. I tried to capture it in this picture.
Nothing Like a Cold Shower

Well summer is here and it is abnormally dry here this year. So that means we water the gardens a little more.
One morning I was watering and heard what sounded like a couple of birds fighting (or whatever else birds might do) in our crabapple tree. Turns out it was one chickadee taking a shower in the freshly sprinkled crab apple leaves. I think I made his day!
Watch My Back

Another picture from my Parent’s backyard. They have a nyjer seed feeder which the finches congregate and pig out. I set up the camera and tripod in various positions around the feeder hoping to get some good shots of them perching on nearby plants/trees.
Glowing Hearts

Standing in the backyard yesterday morning and noticed the light hitting the back of these bleeding hearts under the crabapple tree. Had to rush to get the camera before the sun rose any further.
Great Holiday
12/06/09 Filed in: Bird

Just got back from visiting my family back in Ontario. This is another picture not from my Red Deer backyard but about a decade and a half ago it was my Ontario backyard.
Mom and Dad have a hummingbird feeder set up on their dining room bay window. I sat and watched for hours the steady stream of what I think was four hummingbirds come in for refueling.
Bird Watching
02/06/09 Filed in: Cat

Okay, you got me this image isn’t from my backyard. But it is an image about one of our three cats wanting to be in the backyard. We let them outside on warm days under extreme supervision.
This is a picture of our newest cat, Maverick. He is bird watching from the living room window!
I was practicing using my new flash (strobe) and bounce card for an upcoming wedding. My first wedding, so please wish me luck!
Nothing Says Spring Like Apple Blossoms

Our two apple trees are in blossom right now. I will probably hold back some pictures for later (Like in the winter and Fall!) The fragrance and the colour these trees give off make the backyard maintenance worth it.
This blossom is from the crab apple tree. As you can see the flowers are pinkish in colour. You can see a bud out of focus on the left (Hiding behind a bloom) and it is a deeper shade of pink.