26/07/15 Filed in: Cat

Goose and the Clean Sheets: ISO 800, 50mm, f/4.5, 1/15
Our cats love the smell of clean sheets. They have to be the first to sleep on them. Makes changing the bed a real chore.
19/12/10 Filed in: Winter

Trouble: ISO 200, 35mm, f/2.8, 1/60
Christmas can almost be counted down on one hand now. Our newest family member, Goose, is experiencing his first Christmas. We weren't sure if we should put up the indoor Chrismtas tree as Goose is still very much a kitty.
We compromised and put up the tree but not very many decorations. As you can see from this picture that was a good choice. Goose likes shiny glass balls and we do find them on the floor from time to time. He is careful not to break them though.