26/07/15 Filed in: Cat

Goose and the Clean Sheets: ISO 800, 50mm, f/4.5, 1/15
Our cats love the smell of clean sheets. They have to be the first to sleep on them. Makes changing the bed a real chore.
25/02/15 Filed in: Winter

The Feast: ISO 640, 40mm, f/8.0 1/30

The Feast Part II - Cheers!!: ISO 640, 40mm, f/8.0, 1/80
It was a cold and snowy day today. I planned on playing with my camera and venture out today but it was too cold with windchill putting the temps at around -20 Celsius.
So, I broke out my newly purchased backgrounds and set up my lights. Then I grabbed a few Lego Mini Figures to practice my skills.
I was listening to Google Play Music service while I was setting up the King and his friend the pig. Led Zeppelin was playing “Your Time is Gonna Come” while I was setting up Part Two of the shot. Coincidence? Are the pigs going to get their revenge? Or are they just going to put a scare in the King?
Backgrounds are blank painting canvas that I purchased on sale at the local craft store. I used 2 sets of lights. Led Camera Video Lights and a small LED desk lamp. I also shot this in front of our patio door to let in some natural light.
10/05/14 Filed in: Spring

Mothers Day: ISO 200, 70mm, f/4.6, 1/800
Happy Mother’s Day Weekend! This image shows the special relationship between mother and child.
This is also proof that spring is finally here. A mother mountain sheep keeping her infant close by at the Calgary Zoo. The baby sheep is showing off her leaping abilities by leaping as high she can. If the baby sheep could talk she would probably being saying to her mom, “Watch This! Watch This!”
Nothing Like a Cold Shower
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