05/12/10 Filed in: Winter

Frosty Night: ISO 800, 35mm, f/2.8, 1/20

Frosty Leaves at Night: ISO 800, 35mm, f/2.8, 1/15
These were shot in the backyard Friday night. Both shots were handheld at a high using a high ISO.
Most of the trees in our area have this hoars frost on them. Makes the landscape look very cold.
12/10/10 Filed in: Fall

Frost Bitten: ISO 200, 50mm, f/2.5,1/100
Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.
Stanley Horowitz
I have never done this before but I have seen users of Flickr add quotes to describe their pictures. I found one that that sums up my postings for the month of October.
More Kerry Wood Nature Centre
06/03/10 Filed in: Winter

ISO 200, 90mm, f/4.5, 1/180
This is another photo from my late January photo walk at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre in Red Deer, Alberta.
Red Berry
02/03/10 Filed in: Winter

Red Berry: ISO 200, 90mm, F/3.5, 1/125
Warm weather is coming which is not good. We have some tulips that are starting to break earth. I will take pictures of those next chance I get. There is still lots of snow on the ground and I am sure Mother Nature has more on the way.
As Requested...
26/02/10 Filed in: Winter

Branching Out: ISO 200, 90mm, F5.6, 1/500

Frosty Ladder: ISO 200, 90mm, F4, 1/1000

Grass and Trunk: ISO 100, 108mm, f5, 1/80
One of my regular visitors requested more pictures of my cold nature walk. I guess it is pretty warm down under and this helps cool things off.
These 3 pictures are of my nature walk a few weeks ago at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre. A pretty foggy day which provided great images of Hoar Frost.
Nature Walk
23/02/10 Filed in: Winter

Three Trees: ISO 200, 90mm, F5.6, 1/350
The amount of fog and Hoar’s Frost we have received this winter has to be a record. Mother Nature has thrown some more fog on us the last few days.
This shot was taken at the end of January. I took a drive to the bottom of the hill on which we live and visited the Kerry Wood Nature Centre. I have heard a lot of this place and yet have never visited. Like today, there was lots of moisture in the cold air causing a heavy coating of Hoar’s Frost.
Also with the heavy fog there is no way for the sun to cast any shadows. This was taken around 1:00 PM. It was like I was taking pictures in a giant soft box.
This image has not been converted to black and white.
Falling Stars
28/01/10 Filed in: Winter

ISO 100, Focal Length 90mm, F4.5, Shutter Speed 1/45
The snow has stopped falling but the temperatures have not. Winter is officially back...just in time for the Olympics.
This is a macro shot of a cluster of dead rose blooms shot a couple of weeks ago when the hoar frost was heavy.
Out of the Fog
21/01/10 Filed in: Winter

A fog rolled in last night and continued into this morning. I took this picture late this morning. The camera actually captured the fog when taking a macro shot of a rose branch creating a dreamy effect.
Fog in winter here means things get a good coating of frost. Just like the previous pictures posted around Christmas and New Year.
Happy New Year!
01/01/10 Filed in: Winter

Wishing all of you peace and fortune for the new year and new decade.
My wife Angela took this shot earlier this week. All that white on the background trees is the heavy hoar frost.
Heavy Dusting
30/12/09 Filed in: Winter

Another picture from yesterday’s heavy hoar frost. Taken before the sun has fully risen. The foreground branches are illuminated by the streetlight.
Winter Wonderland
29/12/09 Filed in: Winter

This is our backyard at sunrise this morning. There is a lot of moisture in the air and the results are breathtaking. Everything has a coating of frost. Even the clothesline.
One breath of wind and it all comes down.
Beautiful Day Yesterday
26/12/09 Filed in: Winter

Merry Christmas to all!
Yesterday was a beautiful day in so many ways. Woke up to Santa’s presents and Mother Nature’s present of a nice covering of Hoar Frost.
This was taken in the front yard looking up at the trees that create a canopy over our street. Not a cloud in the sky so the sun was catching the hoar frost on the trees. A slight wind was brushing the frost off causing it to fall to the ground.
Oh Look! Another Frost Picture.

This is another image I took back on the 12th. It’s too cold to go out now to take new ones! Minus 30 Celsius then add the windchill factor.
This was a rose. Now it looks like something right out of a science fiction movie. Where is Sigourney Weaver when you need her?
Crown of Frost

Another image from earlier this week. Frost on a rose branch.