
Red Panda: ISO 800, 130mm, f/5.0, 1/250
Another set of photos from my Calgary Zoo walk last week. My previous visits to the Calgary Zoo, these two Red Pandas were usually hiding or sleeping. Last week was a different story. Both were very active, one even showed off his climbing skills. I was impressed!

Red Panda in Tree: ISO 800, 150mm, f/5.0, 1/400

Watchful Wolf: ISO 800, 110mm, f/4.0, 1/250
We are currently experiencing spring like weather here in the Calgary area. I took advantage of a warm, overcast day and headed to the Calgary Zoo with my annual Membership pass. I figured if I was willing to go out and enjoy the fresh air, so would the animals at the Zoo. I will share more of my snaps in the coming days.
This wolf was pacing in her enclosure. I believe she was watching for elk in the next enclosure over.