
Winter Time Song Sparrow: ISO 2000, f/9.0, 600mm, 1/800
I walked down a country lane in our neighbourhood hoping to spot a Blue Jay I had heard while shovelling our driveway this morning.
I was surprised to see 10 different species today including this Song Sparrow. The other species I had seen were Red-Winged Blackbirds, Dark Eyed Junco, American Robin, Northern Cardinals, House Finch, Mourning Doves, American Goldfinch and Chickadee.

Duck in Water: ISO 3200, 400mm, f/6.3, 1/1000
This photo was taken at Vanderwater Conservation Area.
I believe it is a Blue Winged Teal. There were a few of them in a little pond in the Conservation Area.

Maple Leaf in Water: ISO 400, 140mm, f/2.8, 1/300
I took this shot the same day as I took the Mute Swan (Cygnet) at Lock #1 of the Trent Severn Waterway in Quinte West, Ontario.
Fall colours arrived late this year but they still never disappoint.

Cone Flower: ISO 1600, 100mm, f/5.0, 1/400
Fall is coming and the wild flowers are out!
This was taken at Lock 1 of the Tent Severn Waterway. Just a short drive from our home.

Blanding's Turtle: ISO 640, 276mm, f/7.1. 1/400
This is a Blanding's Turtle.
She was sunbathing at H.R. Frank Conservation Area in Quinte, Ontario, Canada. This is a "Threatened" Species. This is the second one I seen in this little conservation area in Plainfield, Ontario.

Free: ISO 400, 77mm, f/8.0, 1/2500
Caught this guy fighting the wind in Invermere, BC from my hotel window. The sun was setting and a storm was looking to be rolling in.
Against the background and big clouds he looks like a small bird. I believe he was a crow as he looked too small to be a raven.

A Walk in the Woods (Revelstoke National Park): ISO 800, 15mm, f/5.0, 1/50
This is a picture from last fall. Taken the same day as the Stellar Jay in Revelstoke National Park posted earlier.
It was a great easy hike through the thick forest by way of a boardwalk. If not for the boardwalk you would almost think you were walking in a magical place with no civilization around.

Iceland Poppy Close up: ISO 400, 190mm, f/4.0, 1/1250
We planted an Iceland Poppy in our backyard garden this spring. We had them in our garden in Red Deer and missed their colour and constant blooms.
The flowers on this new plant are much larger than we experienced in Red Deer. This bloom is about the size of a palm of a hand. I believe that is some sort of tiny bug on underneath the right side filaments.

Seeking Shade: ISO 250, 102mm, f/4.5, 1/200
A photo of a frog seeking shade and waiting for food in my father's backyard pond.
I did not wait to see if that little bug on the stalk of the lily pad was frog food. It was hard to see with the naked eye.

Sleepy Panda at the Calgary Zoo: ISO 320, 200mm, f/5.6, 1/90
The Calgary Zoo recently became the new home of some Panda Bears.
We finally got to see them last month. I am not quite sure what all the excitement is about. They just seem to eat and sleep. But they do look quite cuddly!

Red Panda: ISO 800, 130mm, f/5.0, 1/250
Another set of photos from my Calgary Zoo walk last week. My previous visits to the Calgary Zoo, these two Red Pandas were usually hiding or sleeping. Last week was a different story. Both were very active, one even showed off his climbing skills. I was impressed!

Red Panda in Tree: ISO 800, 150mm, f/5.0, 1/400