19/07/12 Filed in: Summer

Bowl of Raspberries: ISO 200, 35mm, f/3.5, 1/500
So far this summer we have had a couple of weeks of very warm weather. The raspberries in our backyard garden have ripened overnight. I picked these tonight and I could have filled another two containers this size.
After posting this entry I will be grabbing the ice cream. Bon Appetit!!
23/01/11 Filed in: Fall

Warm Sunset: ISO 320, 170mm, f/5.6, 1/250
Some visitors did not like my last post. It was sad but that is how nature works. I had no hand in but just document what I see.
This is not a winter image but needed to show that with the bad comes good.
This is a lone house sparrow visting our backyard and the remaining raspberries and enjoying the warmth of a fall sunset.
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