C B Images

Photography by Chris Bates


Fledgling Robin on a Butterfly Bush: ISO 1000, 150mm, f/5.7, 1/1600

The Robins must have had a second brood this year. This was taken late July.

This one allowed me to get close for a few shots. I then let the parents come with some food.

Watchful  Robin
Watchful Robin: ISO 800, 400mm, f/6.3, 1/1000

This photo is from the same walk along the fence line in Quinte West last Sunday. I believe it is a different Robin than the one in the previous post.

This one was watching me from afar. Making sure I was doing nothing more than admiring the spring weather with my camera.

Robin with Nest Material
Robin with Nesting Material: ISO800, 400mm, f/6.3, 1/1250

Spring is finally here in Quinte West, Ontario! I went for a quick walk this cold morning to find some birds along a fence line. I spotted blackbirds, starlings, chickadees and robins.

This robin was showing off the material it collected to help build the nest in the cedar tree.

Juvenile Robin
Juvenile Robin: ISO 200, 210mm, f/7.1, 1/500

There is a man made marsh in our neighbourhood park system. I went to snap some photos of blackbirds and waterfowl this afternoon.

One rule of photography is always look behind you to see what you are missing. I took a look behind me and this young Robin was checking me out atop of a fence post.

American Robin, Chris Bates Photography, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, nature, fall, spring
American Robin with Autumn Leaves: ISO 400, 270mm, f/6.7, 1/180

American Robin, Chris Bates Photography, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, nature, fall, spring
American Robin: ISO 400, 270mm, f/6.7, 1/180

A sure sign of spring is when the Robins return to our yard.

Wait a minute, it's autumn!

We are still experiencing warm weather and it must be fooling the robins playing in our yard.

The parents may have returned with their spring babies to show them where they were born so that they will all return to us next spring.