C B Images

Photography by Chris Bates


Winter Time Song Sparrow: ISO 2000, f/9.0, 600mm, 1/800

I walked down a country lane in our neighbourhood hoping to spot a Blue Jay I had heard while shovelling our driveway this morning. 

I was surprised to see 10 different species today including this Song Sparrow. The other species I had seen were Red-Winged Blackbirds, Dark Eyed Junco, American Robin, Northern Cardinals, House Finch, Mourning Doves, American Goldfinch and Chickadee.

Learning to Fly
Learning to Fly: ISO 400, 600mm, f/6.3, 1/1000

This pair of Chipping Sparrows were fun to watch in our backyard. This was a parent and fledgling. The parent (on the left) was flying from fence post to fence post coaxing the little one to follow. Once the little one arrived, she was awarded with food from the parent.